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Croeso i Ansh Cymru


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'Food is everything we are. It's an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It's inseparable from those from the get-go'

Anthony Bourdain


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‘It takes two flints to make a fire’

  Louisa May Alcott


What do you get if you take a former primary school teacher and 4th generation farmer turned butcher and a former primary school teacher and farmer turned burger nerd; put them together, and throw a perfectly located restaurant opposite Victoria Park into the mix? 


You get Ansh. That’s what you get.


Aled Hill and Shaun Jones are driven by a mutual passion and vision. To champion everything that makes Wales such a remarkable nation. Celebrating the language, history, culture and the fabulous produce of our little big country in an ethical, sustainable and regenerative way, is at the heart of who Ansh are and what Ansh do.


Aled is happiest when he is at the stove. A passion from a young age, he believes that the best produce and ingredients should be treated with the care, respect and attention they deserve and should speak for themselves when carefully prepared in this way. Aled does not consider himself a chef but rather a passionate cook who likes to combine his love of food with the joyous ritual of feeding others. 


As the owner proprietor of award winning butchers, Oriel Jones Ltd, Shaun delivers exceptional produce directly from the family farm, Llygadenwyn, situated at the foothills of the Cambrian mountains where sustainable, ethical farming with the highest animal welfare standards are their priority.

It has been the source of great pride for us at Ansh to be invited to work in partnership with WWF Cymru and Size of Wales as a result of our ongoing efforts

as a sustainable business. Check out the clip below which explains more 














In addition, we have planted 6460 native broad leaf trees at Llygadenwyn to date, as well as protecting an area of the farm named 'Cefn Blaenau' which has been designated as a 'Site of Special Scientific Interest' since 1989 for the rarity of its biodiversity and wildlife. The area is grazed with great care. Our cattle help control vegetation growth which in turn creates the ideal environment for ground nesting birds, and is the perfect example of how sustainable, regenerative  agriculture can work in harmony with nature.

So while we take of your supper, you're helping us take care of our planet.




The other members of Team Ansh are Sara, Aled’s wife; Megan, Shaun’s wife and their daughters Matilda and Lisi. 


The Ansh Wellbeing team are made up of wonderdogs, Llew and Zeb (who do not realise that they are dogs… please do not tell them) and Tim the sheepdog who keeps things organised at Llygadenwyn.



Cynaliadwyedd | Sustainability

Tîm ANSH Team

Croeso i Ansh Cymru
Croeso i Ansh Cymru


'People who love to eat are always the best people'

   Julia Child   

Croeso i Ansh Cymru
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Blaen y Fwydlen Ebrill 23.png
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Ble i'n ffeindio ni | where to find us

Ry'n ni'n cynnig bwyd wrth ford yn y bwyty a mâs y bac neu têc awê i'w gasglu  

We offer indoor and outdoor dining, takeaway for collection or delivery via Uber Eats

07498 499787

Dydd Mercher | Weds : 4 - 9

Dydd Iau | Thurs : 4 - 9

Dydd Gwener | Fri : 4 - 9

Dydd Sadwrn | Sat : 12 - 9

Dydd Sul | Sunday : 12 - 9

I gadw bwrdd neu i drefnu amser casglu têcawê

To book a table or a takeaway collection slot


Private Catering | Arlwyo preifat

Ry'n ni hefyd yn cynnig arwylaeth priodasau a phartion. Cysylltwch os oes diddordeb gennych.

We also offer catering for weddings and private functions. Get in touch if you're interested.

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Croeso i Ansh Cymru




'Mae bwyd yn gerddoriaeth i'r corff a cherddoriaeth yn fwyd i'r galon'

Gregory David Roberts.

         'Food is music to the body, music is food to the heart'

Gregory David Roberts


Croeso i Ansh Cymru

Cliciwch ddwywaith ar arwr i ddarllen amdanynt | Click twice on a hero to read about them.

Yma | Here: Gallery


Croeso i Ansh
Croeso i Ansh Cymru
Croeso i Ansh Cymru

ein cynhyrchwyr | Our producers

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Covid 19


We want to assure you that Ansh is mindful of the global COVID-19 pandemic and our top priority is to keep our customers, team members and communities safe. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this uncertain time.

Please be assured that we are closely monitoring daily developments and taking increased precautions by reinforcing the proper guidelines put in place by the World Health Organisation, Public Health Wales, The Welsh Government and local public health authorities.

We have rigorous health and safety procedures in place with additional cleaning and disinfectant. We have trained our team members to practice prevention guidelines to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Our thoughts go out to anyone who has been impacted by COVID-19. We will continue to be diligent in our approach to ensure your safety. Thank you for your trust and support in these difficult times.

Alergeddau | Allergies

Os oes gennych alergedd neu anoddefiad bwyd, siaradwch ag aelod o staff am y cynhwysion yn eich pryd wrth archebu. Mae pob un o’n byrgers yn gallu bod yn ddi gliwten wrth newid y bynsen. Diolch yn fawr.

If you suffer from food allergeies or intolerances, please speak to our staff about the ingredients in your meal when making your order. All our burgers can be gluten free by simply changing the bun. Thank you.

Gostyngiadau | Offers

Dangoswch eich cerdyn aelodaeth Cymdeithas yr Iaith neu Yes Cymru i gael gostyngiad o 5% ar eich pryd. I'r gâd! (gyda llond bola)


Show us your Cymdeithas yr Iaith or Yes Cymru membership cards to save 5% on the price of your meal. Onward! (with a full belly)

Croeso i Ansh Cymru
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Cyswllt | Contact

07498 499787

Pob elfen o waith celf | All elements of art work © Pete Fowler exclusively for Aled Hill and Ansh. 2020

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